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Happy Knees in Pigeon Pose

(24 Reviews)

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Pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) has the potential to cause problems in the knee because it is weight-bearing and depends on flexibility in the hip. Rachel takes you through the most common alignment principles to be mindful of in Pigeon Pose.
March 31, 2016

I have been doing it wrong all the time then! thank you!

October 3, 2015

This video contains excellent advice. For years I've been hearing instructors say "flex your foot" when doing pigeon, but they never took into account what Rachel here points out: that the knee must work as a hinge and that if you flex your foot when not in full-fledged pigeon, you must rotate your shin and therefore put the knee at risk by breaking away from the hinge movement. This video contains timeless advice for all yoga practitioners. Thank you!

July 25, 2015

This is awesome! I loooove yoga, but had knee surgery 8 months ago. As I try to get back into the swing of things, it is information like this that I desperately need.

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