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Finding Stability In All Poses

Beginner II
(67 Reviews)

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Now that you have learned how to breathe deeply and engage and strengthen the deep core muscles (bandhas) from the first two videos in this series, David shows you how to use these principles to stabilize the lower back and pelvis while stretching and doing some of the most common yoga poses. If you would like to start from the beginning, the first class in this series is The 3-Part Breath and Ujjayi Breathing and the second class is Integrating the Breath and the Bandhas. You can also find all three together in our program Establish Your Core Stability and Strength and on our Yoga for Beginners page.

Looking for more of a challenge? Check out the 14-Day Intermediate Challenge here.


  • Block


  • Core Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Spine


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Back Care
April 22, 2020

With finger interlaced and elbows straight I'm unable to get my arms much more than 45 degrees above horizontal. Which is more important, to keep my elbows straight or to raise my hands directly overhead?

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
April 23, 2020

It's more important to lengthen your elbow joints. 45 degrees is fine! Just work on releasing those tight muscles and breathing deep and slow!

April 18, 2020

A few questions--
1. When doing the Back Strengthening series, is it okay to do the classes on consecutive days, or is it best to follow on the Day 1,3,5 etc pattern? I didn't see any direction as to why the classes are spaced out.
2. I found this class particularly challenging. I don't feel like I 'get it' fully, or even partially. The Bandhas are difficult (and I keep forgetting which one is which so I get distracted as you instruct as to whether I'm engaging the correct one!) and I found myself struggling to breath fully.
3. On the seated staff/staph/? pose, I found my lower back wanting to collapse.

So....do I need to master this class before moving on? I've been doing classes with DYWM semi regularly since fall of last year--in fits and starts! Or, just keep moving on, hoping that I'll figure out the Bandhas as I go? Appreciate some response as you're able.

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
April 23, 2020

1. Absolutely ok
2. That's natural and ok. The bandhas can be difficult to understand. It might be a good idea to step back to the earlier video and do it one or two more times. We also have a course in our YTT program that goes through the bandhas thoroughly, if you're interested. It's US$35.
3. Yeah, you're not alone. I was like that for many years because my hamstrings and lower back were so tight. Work on stretching those muscles and it will get easier, if you practice regularly.

No, you don't need to master the class before moving on. In fact, you might find that some classes get a bit easier, because you won't be spending so much time on such precise movements. Keep in mind that most people haven't figured out the bandhas and it doesn't stop anyone from doing yoga. It's great if you spend time learning them regularly, if you can. But you also need to have some fun!

April 4, 2020

This series is the best thing I've done since I started yoga a few years ago. I have never seen this stuff taught in physical classes. It's completely changed my practice. Thank you.

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
April 23, 2020

That's amazing. These are meant to bring awareness to subtle aspects of your practice, so that makes me happy.

August 6, 2019

Yes! I used to be very regular with yoga and even though I was physically "strong" enough to do more intermediate classes, this class reminded me that I was just going through the motions in the harder classes.

Comment Replies

[email protected]
February 28, 2020

Yes! I feel the same. After Many years of doing yoga, I have concentrated on strength and lost the basics. I am so glad to have had this class today.

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