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Establishing Core Strength I

Beginner II
(187 Reviews)

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This class is meant to be a part of a series that you can see in our program Establish Your Core Stability and Strength and on our Yoga for Beginners page. After you have learned how to breathe and engage your core and stretch your body while your core is engaged, now David teaches you how to strengthen your core. Core strength will not only make you stronger and protect your spine, it will make you feel taller and lighter in your everyday life.


  • Block


  • Core Strength
  • Strength


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Back Care
January 4, 2021

Hi David

I have trouble straightening my arms when lifting them above my head . Are there an alternative poses eg bent arms that I should try /


Comment Replies

Fiji McAlpine
June 15, 2021

Hi Denise,

Many people find it hard to have their arms completely straight when overhead. I would suggest straightish, straightening to the best of your ability. You can also work with a strap in your hands and try to pull on the strap as your arms are overhead.


Hi David,
Thank you for making this.
When I try the priformis exercise, I find my quads to be very tight, so it's difficult to completely pull the leg towards my chest. I will try stretching my quads before starting the video. Do you have another suggestion?
Take care

Nouran Jerjous
July 2, 2020

Thank you so much for this wonderful session . I followed your detailed instructions and find how much difference they make...I feel no pain when following the instructions and more stable...Great teacher..Thank you.

June 23, 2020

I so appreciate your thorough detailed instruction and learning how to deeply activate these essential muscles for stability and strengthening..

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