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A Deep Release for the Shoulders and Neck

Beginner II
(375 Reviews)

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This gentle, slow, hatha yoga class guides you into a series of poses that thoroughly stretch the muscles around the shoulders and neck. It moves gradually toward deeper stretches, allowing the body to warm up and prepare for a deeper release of the tighter muscles in your body. Your neck and shoulders will feel wonderful after you're done.


  • Strap


  • Twists
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Arms/Hands


  • Hatha Yoga
August 26, 2018

My husband and I are most definitely beginners and we found this class to be relaxing. Upon completion we felt loose and refreshed and will add this one to our favorites list.

David we have tried almost all of your beginning classes and they have added so much to our life! Thank you so much for what you do.

August 8, 2018

Hi David,
I’m pretty disappointed in today’s session. This is session 4 of the 30 day challenge. I question whether you have ever taught a beginner class, or if you took the the time to teach this particular class to beginners. In every beginner class I’ve been in, what makes it a “beginner” class is the existence of concessions and modifications for someone who may not be advanced or flexible enough to do the poses you describe. Aside from “allowing” us to sit cross legged if sitting on our heels was a problem, there was absolutely no consideration in this class for the experience of a beginner. “If you can’t do this, try it this way.” In fact, the only such consideration was for someone more advanced. “If you can stretch further, do this to increase the intensity.” I strongly feel that this is not an appropriate class for beginners and was made to feel extremely uncomfortable throughout the class, as I was limited to what I could do. I’d recommend either re-recording this as an actual beginner class (which may mean you’d actually have to teach a class of beginners to see where there might need to be modification) or take it down and list it accordingly.

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
August 8, 2018

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. With beginner classes, there is a constant effort as an instructor to balance between two extremes: 1) offering modifications for every pose, which can interrupt the flow of the class for those who don't need them and 2) teaching what is a beginner class, not offering modifications so the flow is maintained throughout, with the risk of making it harder for those who can't sit or hold the pose I am asking them to.
Also, because we only have Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced categories, each one is quite broad - the Beginner category includes more challenging beginner classes. This may be one of them... but it depends on the person.
So we are trying to accommodate everyone, but it is quite difficult since we can't see the student who is doing the classes with us. It's an ongoing challenge with online video, but I think we're doing quite well so far.
Again, thanks for the feedback.
Take care,

July 24, 2018

I can't think of a better way to spend the time.....thank you for this...

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