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Core Activation Part III: The Multifidus

(9 Reviews)

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The Multifidus is a deep core muscle that provides support from the back, pulling the lower spine toward the center of the body. When working together with the other core muscles, they create a cylinder of pressure through the lower part of the torso.

June 18, 2013

I also am unsure how to activate the multifidus. Maybe my back muscles are just too weak. :p

May 30, 2013

How do you know if you are strengthening the multifidus? I don't feel any pulling of anything. Could you point better where it is? I looked up an image online and put my fingers there and no matter what I do I can't seem to feel anything pull or tighten. I am thinking that I don't understand really where it is at or how it is supposed to feel.


Comment Replies

August 8, 2013

I can't seem to activate the multifidus either. I tense all over the place and can't feel it. They should make the video facing his back when he does it and have him pointing. I need the point! I don't do well without the point!

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