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Core Activation Part I: The Pelvic Floor

(38 Reviews)

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How do we ensure that we don't get injured when we do yoga? This Core Activation Series guides you through the step by step process of how to become aware of your core muscles, how to strengthen them and how to use them to protect your body from injury.

May 11, 2020

Hi David,

Thank you for this series! I had been experiencing chronic pelvic pain for about a year and a few months ago was told I had hypertonic pelvic floor muscles that couldn't relax. I was seeing a pelvic floor PT until quarantine, so haven't gone in about two months, but have been doing stretches and such that they recommended.

Anyway, I have been doing yoga for a bit and was curious how to learn how to properly activate my core and strengthen the right muscles, without further contributing to my tense pelvic floor. Thoughts?

thanks again!

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David Procyshyn
May 12, 2020


I quite honestly have never heard of that. I know many people find it difficult to activate their pelvic floor. Do you also feel a lot of tension around your abdomen? Typically pelvic floor tension goes with transverse abdominis tension.

Anyway, if that's the case then you may want to spend some time trying to relax the pelvic floor. Simply hold your attention there, lying or seated, and see if you can let go. Over time, those muscles could loosen.

[email protected]
March 29, 2016

Hi David! I was wondering if you could give some advice on how to lift the pelvic floor without tightening the glutes? I can barely separate the two and I believe I'm supposed to be keeping my glutes relaxed...

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David Procyshyn
April 5, 2016

Hi there! Yes, you want to learn to engage the pelvic floor without tensing the glutes. All I can say is it to keep practicing! This video series shows you what to focus on, so if you keep doing it, it will come with time.

November 30, 2015

Is this the same muscle as in Kegel exercises? I never quite understood those, but it sounds similar.

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David Procyshyn
December 1, 2015

Yes, it's the same muscle as in Kegel exercises. Do you understand how to activate it now?

DoYogaWithMe Founder

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December 4, 2015

Yes, I believe I do. Thank you.

Should the pelvic floor be activated at all times during yoga practice? I've been conscious of my engagement since watching this video, and quite frankly, I can't imagine! I find it hard to keep up with. It seems to get lost among the position changes, the breath, etc. Is this activation awareness something that comes with time?

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David Procyshyn
April 5, 2016

Sorry for the late reply. Yes, particularly if you are doing something strenuous, keeping the pelvic floor engaged keeps your core strong and your spine stable. It's difficult at first, but once you make it a routine it starts to feel less so.

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