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Chatting Chaturanga: A Tutorial

Intermediate II
(48 Reviews)

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This yoga class/tutorial takes a brief yet potent look at moving through chaturanga, and floating through upward and downward dog. Chaturanga is a challenging pose to get right and an easy to pose to get a shoulder injury. The focus is on core stability, shoulder placement and the very powerful connection to moving with breath.


  • None


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Core Strength
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Arms/Hands


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
May 18, 2018

I loved this tutorial. It served as a very powerful refresher for me, which I feel is really important. The preparation, alignment, and release is amazing. Thank you so much. ....one thing, I cannot get my knees to stack under my shoulders.... honestly, I'm just being funny, Tracy said that in the beginning and it made me smile remembering how many times I've done things like that as a teacher. This tutorial class is brilliant. Namaste from Ireland.

April 24, 2018

i have been working on correctly doing chaturanga for ages and this helped me so much! i feel like i am much closer and now understand the transition so much better!!

Marina S
April 13, 2018

Such a sweet tutorial. Thank you for this, it really helps me focus on my alignment during the transitions between upward and downward facing dog. i have been working diligently on "flipping over" my toes and I'm getting there! So this was so timely for me. And much appreciated! Will keep this in my rotation for sure.

April 10, 2018

Tracy provides space for me to really examine how my wrists, shoulders and core work together for plank and chattaranga. Not a one time tutorial! I'll be using it several times to build muscle memory and increase strength. And it's a nice way to start the day on top of all that. Thank you, Tracy!

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