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Chakra One Flow

Intermediate II
(300 Reviews)

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In this power yoga class, Fiji helps you connect with the energy of the root chakra (muladhara), while moving you through a flow that invigorates and ignites it. It's a fun, challenging class that helps strengthen and release any tension around the pelvis, making it a great class if you are looking to strengthen the core and loosen up the legs, hips and back.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Twists
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
June 21, 2020

Such a powerful and cleansing class. Thank you so much!

Martina B
May 26, 2020

One year ago I was struggling to trust myself and do this class all the way till the end- Today I felt strength and courage to challenge and trust my Root chakra. Finished all the class withpeacee (almost :).Thank you for your teachings Fiji, Namaste !

alison kay
April 19, 2020

thank you Fiji! I havnt been very good at making comments and giving feedback for all the classes that I do on this wonderful site but I feel such respect, appreciation and deep gratitude for this resource and for you in particular! Doing a class like this takes me right back to Mar de Jade and I feel as connected to your incredible energy and wisdom as I did then, such a fine balance of safely challenging my head, heart and body! Much love to you and your beautiful family!

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