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Calming Pranayama Yoga

Beginner II
(83 Reviews)

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This pranayama yoga class calms the nervous system using a series of yoga breathing exercises, including deep breathing (diaphragmatic breathing) - which combines the belly, mid-chest and upper chest breaths - and alternate nostril breathing, or Anulom Vilom. The alternate nostril breath is a challenging breathing technique, so don't be surprised if you find it difficult the first few times. This class is great to do before bed or when you need to relax.


  • None


  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Sleep/Relaxation


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Pranayama Yoga
January 28, 2019

I've never done a session like this on just breathing (other than the earlier primer in the beginner course). Incredibly relaxing...but definitely a challenge for the 12 second breaths! Oddly enough it was the controlling the in breathing to take a full 12 seconds to fill up that was the hardest, especially on the one nostril, but I felt like I started to get the hang of it near the end.

January 28, 2019

Crazy challenging class - i definitely needed movement before this one! Namaste

January 25, 2019

Hard to rate this one. Good video, but this practice was
not for me.

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