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Birds of a Feather

Intermediate III
(177 Reviews)

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Fiji explores variations on four bird-related yoga poses - crow, or crane pose (bakasana), eagle pose (garudasana) and pigeon pose (eka pada rajakapotasana), finishing with flying pigeon pose. She warms your body with an energizing flow, building strength and focus before flying like a bird, then sinking into deep stretches and a wonderful savasana. Music provided by Yogitunes.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Balance
  • Legs and Feet
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
Carole G
December 20, 2020

I love everything Fiji does. This class is - of late - my favourite. I have done it almost daily for the last few months with a view to mastering crow & flying pigeon. It has taken a while but I can now do crow & my flying pigeon is coming along (fluttering & flapping ). I am very grateful and am looking forward to continuing to progress. thank you for a great website

October 19, 2020

No floating for me yet but I love this class with modifications. Your directions are perfectly paced and I always finish your classes feeling better and as though I've discovered something new. Thank you!


This is a challenging one for me too but I love the interesting standing pigeon pose. I am slowly working on my crow pose and I' getting there. As always I need more practice on balancing one leg

Alison Hamilton
January 21, 2020

Just revisited this class after a couple of years as part of the 2020 new year challenge, and I am astonished at how far my practice has developed from first time around - a wobbly, giggly, collapsing heap of human- to now! I managed almost everything except the full flying pigeon, and I did manage to get one foot off the ground for a split second. The millimetre miracles are happening!

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