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Beginners' Yoga for Shoulder Strength

Beginner II
(205 Reviews)

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This is a great beginner strength and stretch sequence for the shoulders. Melissa guides you through proper alignment while strengthening the arms and shoulders in a wide range of movements. Filmed on the beach on a warm, overcast day, this class is sure to keep you focused.

Note: you may want a strap for this class.


  • None


  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Athletes
July 6, 2014

Great beginner video! Very calming but also great at building strength... for beginners.

Noteworthy for those who may not give themselves enough credit (ahem, me!)... this video will not be very challenging for those with some shoulder strength already. This video is for beginners! (I used these positions when I was aiming to build shoulder strength earlier). Not enough 'reps'. But a quick, short video nonetheless that does absolutely no harm! Enjoyed every moment of it :)

In agreement with another comment on the site, online yoga videos do not do enough justice. Some of the best teachers I have come across!

June 17, 2014

Doing this class as a part of the Absolute Beginners Program and it was great. I love how clear Melissa's instructions are, and how she encourages you to only go at your own pace and ability. Not enough stress on that in online yoga clases, in my opinion, and Melissa nailed it.

I would add to the tag info that you may want a STRAP for this class.

Comment Replies

April 22, 2014

Another great class from Melissa. Please give us more classes :)

March 10, 2014

This workout done in the most advanced way is a lovely workout for the shoulders. Pushups etc. I love 20-30 minute workouts when I'm in a rush. I especially like Melissa's voice and instruction!

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