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Beginner Basics in Flow

Intermediate I
(252 Reviews)

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In this class, Fiji takes you through a slow, deliberate flow practice that emphasizes the fundamentals in proper alignment. It is an intelligently guided vinyasa class that will renew your sense of connection to precise body positioning, while building the energy of a fun, vigorous power flow yoga class.


  • None


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet


  • Vigorous Yoga


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
Paul O'D
December 20, 2022

Great class, I thought the balance of communication was just right, insightful and inspiring. Thank you.

July 15, 2022

Hi there
I agree that there is a lot of talking in this practice, however none of it was unnecessary. I am interested in improving my practice and I thought the clues were brilliant. I realised some of the positions were slightly different from what I had been doing and I was happy to understand how a slight differens in the posture can have such a big impact in the feeling and the results!

Thank you Fiji

June 30, 2022

Oh …so much verbage…..going on and on!!!

I’m finding this is happening with one or two other instructors.

To me this style of teaching completely eradicates the peace and personal ‘quiet’ pleasures of enjoying any session of any level.

Pulling out and heading to choose a DYWM class with less instructor chatter.

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