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5 Poses to Halfmoon

Intermediate I
(70 Reviews)

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You may think that it's impossible to do 5 poses leading to halfmoon pose (ardha chandrasana). It's a challenging pose that requires significant strength and flexibility in the back, hips and legs, not to mention overall balance! Rachel's approach here it to ensure that your body is fully warmed up and prepared before she takes you toward the full pose, so that you feel ready physically and mentally. Good luck!


  • None


  • Hips
  • Twists
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet


  • Hatha Yoga
Kitty N
November 23, 2017

I actually didn't fall over right away while doing that pose! (on my right side anyways lol) And I felt more stable than I ever did. Thanks Rachel :)

November 23, 2017

excellent class. Thank you. Pushed me to try something different and to move faster.

November 21, 2017

Rachel, thank you for the great instruction on corkscrewing the hips open. I have struggled wondered if I am doing it quite right, now I know exactly how to do it. I really enjoyed this class to get my achy hips moving this morning.

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