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5 Poses to Halfmoon

Intermediate I
(70 Reviews)

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You may think that it's impossible to do 5 poses leading to halfmoon pose (ardha chandrasana). It's a challenging pose that requires significant strength and flexibility in the back, hips and legs, not to mention overall balance! Rachel's approach here it to ensure that your body is fully warmed up and prepared before she takes you toward the full pose, so that you feel ready physically and mentally. Good luck!


  • None


  • Hips
  • Twists
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet


  • Hatha Yoga
December 19, 2017

Really love this class but one thing is missing, the thing is love so much about do yoga with me, is the sound of the waves!

December 1, 2017

First time I have been able to come close to a decent half moon. Will bookmark this one.

November 29, 2017

I loved this class and it helped me finally find the missing puzzle piece of half moon that had me struggling for years! There are a couple small editing issues in this video. One later in the video around the 26:38 mark, where Rachel requests a retake (which I don't mind as much), but another more significant one around the 14:13 mark that mixes up the transitions and has us going into warrior 2 on the left side twice. Still overall a great class that I'll be returning to, regardless of the video goofs!

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