3-Dimensional Core
Although we often think of the “core” as being the abdominals, the deep muscles that support our spine are actually 360. In this class with Rachel, we target all aspects of the core for engagement and strengthening: the front, sides, and back. This is an excellent class for strengthening and supporting lower back health.
Key Pose(s) include:
- Side Plank
- Salabhasana (Locust)
Love this short practice that is perfect for the Beginner II level. Thank you, Rachel.
I appreciate the thoughtful approach to the entire core - strong, important work for any level.
Thank you for this quick wake-up and strengthening sequence! I did the side planks on forearm instead of hand because of wrist issues. It seems to challenge the core in the same way and might help the shoulder stay in place. Any thoughts on this change?
I’m calling this one “Plank-apalooza! Great workout, even when I was only catching about half the side planks! I’ve got goals now!