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October 8, 2018

What an experience this class gave me this morning. Working with Manipura chakra is exactly what I need to do right now and this class served me in all aspects. Extremely challenging, but weirdly comforting for that- the power lies within! My strength, my abilities, my sense of worth- all are in my control and as long as I choose to, I can grow and develop them myself. Thank you, Fiji, for being my guide. The closing was perfect and I know that I will return to this often. Thank you xx

October 8, 2018

A class that was gentle,nurturing and loving to my body and myself.
I felt emotional at times and very heart centered.
Such a lovely change to a more challenging class.

October 7, 2018

Thank you for this excellent class. Your instructions are so easy to follow and really help with understanding how to get the alignment right. Your calm manner is a tonic in itself :)

October 7, 2018

I love how Fiji's words are very deliberate - not just the physical cuing but the mental focusing points and emotional grounding concepts as well. It's definitely an advanced practice as their isn't much warm up before going into some deep extensions like splits, so it's best for experienced practitioners only to stay safe. I feel now more focused and aligned about what I'm doing today, thanks Fiji!

October 7, 2018

What a creative and sweet flow to open hips. I am recovering from hip replacement surgery and found this class safe and strong for my healing journey! THANK YOU!

jo hyman
jo hyman
October 6, 2018

Thank you. Working my way back from throwing my back out several times in the last month, ironically because my yoga has been inconsistent. Thank you for a good sweat and a calming atmosphere. The best way to practice! Figi, your subtle cues make all the difference in the world. A little shift can realign an entire pose!! I hope to meet you one day, possibly at one of your retreats!

Melanie Lichtinger
Melanie Lichtinger
October 6, 2018

...exuding from the beautiful setting by the log by the calm ocean...
...and being generated by the simple, calm, and consistent practice with Tracey.

October 6, 2018

I just love all of DYWM’s classes and this is no exception. However, students should know the stretching is vigorous.

A couple days after experiencing some atypical shoulder pain while swimming, I took this class.

I’ve always had tight shoulders and back even when I’ve been quite flexible in other places, and I really tried not to let myself feel pain during the class. For the first couple hours after, I felt much looser but after that my shoulder became quite painful. I really worried that I had permanently damaged it though it feels somewhat better 24 hours later.

I do think anyone else with possible shoulder impingement should be made aware that this could make symptoms worse if you are already at all sore. I would not recommend this class as a recovery stretch.

October 6, 2018

Good to get out of my pattern of strictly flow classes. This was a do-able challenge for for me with some new poses. My middle-aged wrists were protesting a little at one point, and my hops were clunky and tentative, but I appreciated Christa's encouragement and options for modifying the poses. Deep stretches for hips, shoulders, and hamstrings. Thank you!

October 6, 2018

I'm so grateful for this class. I've been slacking the last couple of weeks. This was exactly what I needed to get excited about my yoga routine again. I feel amazing after it. Gentle but still some challenges worked in. My body feels open and ready for the day. Thank you!

October 5, 2018

Finishing up a period of extreme stress and being overly busy, it’s hard to figure out how to calm down and sleep. I’ve got this class bookmarked and will return again and again! Namaste.