Community Sign In Begins March 14

Beginning March 14th, all community members will need to create, and sign into, a registered DoYogaWithMe account to access your favorite classes. Always free, DoYogaWithMe accounts add so much more to the DoYogaWithMe experience, including personalized class recommendations, program and challenge tracking as well as the ability for you to create your own class playlists!

Create Free Community Account | DoYogaWithMe

These are just a few of the benefits of creating an account. In addition to these features, a registered account enables you to ask a question, or leave a comment, about your favorite classes and teachers and participate in the DoYogaWithMe forum, where community members from around the world discuss their practice and share your journey with likeminded yogis and yoginis. And the perks of membership don't stop there! You'll be the first to know about livestream classes and interactive workshops with your favorite DoYogaWithMe teachers as well as receiving early-bird registration rates for upcoming yoga retreats and special events. 

Also, once you are ready to help support DoYogaWithMe and our mission, please consider joining as a Sustaining Member. Your contribution helps us produce and provide high quality yoga with the Community Members who are unable to financially support us. 
Create Free Community Account | DoYogaWithMe

David Procyshyn | Founder and CEO of DoYogaWithMe


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