master practitioner info program

After 12 years online, we have learned a lot about what the average yogi needs to do yoga at home. We also believe that we understand what it takes to set up a regular practice that helps you continue to learn and grow. We have published articles on how to set up your home practice and how to fit yoga into a busy day, and we do our best to offer lots of variety, while simplifying the way you search for what you want. 

It's our mission to continue to help you grow as yogis, humans and positive forces in our world. To do that, we frequently ask you what you need, and incorporate the feedback in our planning sessions. That's precisely what we did when we chose to offer a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program, to provide the opportunity for you to go deeper into yoga, and perhaps become a teacher.  

Since launching our YTT program in 2018, many of you have asked us if we could create a program that helps you go deeper, learn more, and challenge yourself further, without the exams and the need to receive a teaching certification at the end.

So that’s what we did! We are calling it our Master Practitioner's Program. Like our 200-hour YTT program, it is a hybrid of on-demand and live content, designed to be easily incorporated into any busy lifestyle. But it doesn't have exams or the more in-depth components that are required when studying to become a teacher. It is a lighter, self-paced program that features on-demand learning, live classes, and a focus on all areas of yoga, including anatomy, philosophy, and alignment.

If you are curious about this unique program, join DoYogaWithMe’s Fiji McAlpine and Tracey Noseworthy in an interactive Zoom discussion on August 21st at 12pm PT, where they will outline the content and goals of the Masters Practitioner program, share their personal path in developing a strong, consistent yoga practice, and host a 15-min Q&A. 


  • Event: Take Your Yoga Journey to the Next Level with Fiji and Tracey
  • Where: Zoom
  • When: August 21st, 12:00-12:45 pm PT (L.A.)

Click here to register

I hope to see you there!

Fiji and Tracey Image


Existing Comments

January 2, 2025

In addition to wanting to improve my health, I also want to have a beautiful body so that I can wear all kinds of clothes without having to think about whether this outfit fits me or is suitable for my figure. Besides exercising to have a balanced body, I also need to play among us to relax every time I'm tired as well as to regain energy after a series of hard training days.
[email protected]
May 11, 2023

I'm sorry I missed the April event!  I just started Yoga with David about two weeks ago.  I had to give up my gym yoga 6 months ago because I am a caregiver to my husband with Alzheimer's.  I searched other instructors, but they are mostly women.  I have severe hearing loss with a Cochlear implant in my left ear and hearing aid in my right.  David's deep voice and slow easy manner of giving instructions are just what I needed! I can even close my eyes and not have to "watch" every single pose.  This is SO helpful to me with my loss of hearing!  Thank you David!  I'm going to sign up for a year and hopefully regain my strength and motion again.


Barbara T

Mesa Arizona


March 29, 2023

Immerse yourself in the practice of Hatha Yoga in Lembongan. Experience the gentle flow of this ancient practice and find your inner peace. Join us in our tranquil retreat and discover the transformative power of Hatha Yoga. Visit our website: Yoga-Dunia

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